Tree Nutmeg

Nutmeg whole

Nutmeg is the mystical, delicate seed of the yellow nutmeg fruit.

Tasting: citrus peel, eucalyptus, tropical heat

Use it for: mashed potatoes, pumpkin, rice, baked goods

Mr. Bakari Mataka, he is the chairman of the Daya farmer community in Zanzibar joined 1001 Organic at the start of 2012 where he helped us to get in touch with many other farmers. He is also a very proud father of 9 kids.

The nutmeg tree is an evergreen tree reaching up to 10 meters tall with alternate leaves of dark green. Ripe fruit is creamy yellow with tinges of red, and cracks open when ripe to reveal the internal seed covered in a bright red aril which is peeled off and ground for mace. Even though it's called Nutmeg it is the seed of the Nutmeg fruit only.

Ripe fruits are picked and taken apart to separate them from the seed (nutmeg). Nutmeg is then dried up fruits are opened by hand and mace surrounding the nut is removed. This is removed by cutting with a small pointed knife the attachment of the mace to the base of the nutmeg. Our farmers are on the island of Zanzibar only.

Quantity per pack: 20g

Price per 100g: 39.50

1001 Organic invests in the necessary infrastructure as well as in the farming communities and supports them in professionalizing and converting to certified organic agriculture. Through regular training and payments that are multiple time the commodity price our farmers and their families can benefit from a higher standard of living.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Steve Blask (Hamburg, DE)
Pemba Vanille Pulver

Zugegeben, preiswert ist anders! Aber für Liebhaber feinster Vanille ist dieses Pulver eine echte Offenbarung und die Pulvergewinnung aus den Schoten und im Vergleich zur Menge relativiert dann auch den Preis. Zudem kann man es auch entsprechend gering dosieren, um einen tollen Vanillegeschmack in Speisen und Getränken zu erhalten!

Heinz günther Terkl (Vienna, AT)
Klein und geschmackschwach

Zu klein für den Preis zu wenig Inhalt

Anonym (Bielefeld, DE)
Toller Geschmack

Verfeinert die Gerichte spürbar.

Andreas Stumpf (Hagenow, DE)
Klasse Gewürze

Sehr gute Qualität und dazu noch nachhaltig.
Grüße Andy