Zwei Mitarbeiter von 1001 Organic tragen einen Sack mit Gewürzen in die moderne Gewürztrocknungsanlage

About 1001 Organic


1001 Organic is committed to improving the social, environmental and financial livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Tanzania. Through fair business conditions, sustainable, direct trade and access to attractive niche markets, our farmers and their families can benefit from a higher standard of living. 1001 Organic invests in training and infrastructure for smallholder farmers and supports the cooperatives in professionalising and converting to certified organic farming. In this way, we not only help our farmers to be better off: thanks to distribution without intermediaries, freshly harvested and incredibly flavourful spices get straight from the farm to your kitchen or manufactory.


The social enterprise was founded in 2012 by Hamburg entrepreneur Michael Haentjes and development expert Friedemann Gille. It manages the entire value chain, from cultivation to processing and export overseas. The managing director is Raphael Flury, a Swiss entrepreneur and lawyer with almost a decade of experience in the East African food and commodities industry.

Ein Kleinbauer auf Sansibar baut nachhaltig Bio-Gewürze für 1001 Organic an.


Direct contact with you, the consumer, is the next logical step for our social spice company on Zanzibar. Following our mission to achieve more fairness for our partner farmers, Raphael and Marcel have established a European distribution company for our "1001 Organic" brand. Marcel Rupf, as Managing Director, is passionate about the distribution of retail spices in Europe.

Participation in the value chain

Our young international team makes it possible and works with great enthusiasm on solutions that take into account your consumer interests as well as the interests of small holder farmers on Zanzibar, Tanzania, one of the least developed regions in the world. Our "Farm to Kitchen" concept offers a modern, consumer-centric approach that gives our cooperatives full participation in value creation and thus sustainably improves living standards in financial, social and environmental terms.

Mitarbeiterinnen von 1001 Organic sortieren schwarzen Pfeffer


Raphael Flury, ein Schweizer Unternehmer und Jurist mit zehnjähriger Erfahrung in der ostafrikanischen Lebensmittelindustrie. Er gründete 1001 Organic Switzerland, um Fairness für Partnerbauern zu gewährleisten. Raphael und seine Familie leben auf Sansibar und überwachen den Betrieb vor Ort, von der Setzlingsphase bis zum Expor
Raphael Flury

Raphael is a Swiss entrepreneur and lawyer with a decade of experience in the East African food industry. Seeking greater fairness for 1001 Organic's partner farmers, Raphael decided to co-found 1001 Organic Switzerland as a final direct-to-consumer milestone. Raphael and his family live in Zanzibar and oversee the local operation, from seedling to export.

Elizabeth MWANGI

Elizabeth, our Operations Manager, brings over a decade of experience in commodity sourcing and trading. She is the hub connecting our smallholder farmers, production, and global buyers, ensuring efficient operations. Known for her green thumb and passion for gardening. Beyond being a true connoisseur of spices, she is a dedicated mother who finds joy in preparing meals for her children.

Marcel Rupf 1001 Organic
Marcel Rupf

After more than 12 years in the financial industry, Marcel Rupf is proud to have co-founded the European hub of 1001 Organic and to manage it from Zurich. With his commitment to ethical financial practices and his drive for environmental responsibility, Marcel is committed to contributing to a more sustainable and equitable future. His leadership and expertise are key success factors for 1001 Organic in the European market.

Leon Jamann

Leon is our co-CEO and manages the business from the heart of Stonetown. After working in development cooperation in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe, he is now back at 1001 Organic after 5 years, where he once started as an intern. Leon's passion is to guarantee our customers the social compatibility and traceability of our spices. Leon also enjoys sports - and has already lifted quite a few cinnamon bags into containers.

Chrisantus Segu

Chris kümmert sich als Sourcing Manager um alles, was mit der Betreuung der Bauern, der Produktionskoordination und der Qualitätssicherung zu tun hat. Er erstellt die Farmlevel-Dokumentation des gesamten Produktionsprozesses, vom Waren- bis zum Geldfluss. Darüber hinaus engagiert er sich aktiv in sozialen Anliegen unserer Partnerbauern und setzt sich für nachhaltige Anbau- und Geschäftspraktiken ein. Chris ist ein Keyplayer in der Produktion sowie in der Farmer-Community.


Rahel is the power woman in the retail department of 1001 Organic. She manages the retail department in Zanzibar, Tanzania, and works closely with our international team. Rahel is not only a passionate cook, she also has a great passion for nature conservation and enjoys discovering new countries and cultures.


Ali is our quality and warehouse manager and holds a bachelor in economics. He works in our processing and storage facility and manages the processing, quality control as well as the physical exports.

Nuru George Mbago

Nuru, our Retail Assistant is not only packing the orders for our customers. With an eye for detail, she is taking care of stock levels in our shop to ensure our spices are available at all times. She is the star in the distribution of our spices in and around Zanzibar. Together with Nuru's passion for fashion and decoration our shop always looks in style.

we are certified

What makes us unique


Experience the pure, natural taste of "1001 Organic" spices, the first EU-organic-certified spice company in Zanzibar! Our social enterprise is deeply committed to promoting sustainable farming practices and supporting the organic food movement in Tanzania.


We're proud to work directly with over 300 smallholder farmers to unlock remunerative international markets for ethically-sourced, high-quality spices. We reinvest our profits at the farmer level to scale our impact and create a brighter future for everyone involved


By supporting organic spice growers to adapt to climate change and earn a decent living from practicing regenerative agroforestry, we protect Zanzibar's fragile biodiversity and natural forests. Join us in our mission to make every meal a delicious and responsible choice!


By sourcing directly, we have access to freshest spices, are fully traceable and can control the quality from spice forest to your kitchen. You're looking for a way to add genuine flavor to your cooking, choose 1001 Organic and taste the difference that direct sourcing makes!


Organic, fresh, direct: Our commitment to quality and freshness means that every spice in our product line is incredibly flavourful and perfect for elevating your favorite dishes. Taste the difference with 1001 Organic spices today!


Our Zanzibar Black Pepper is the proud winner of the renowned Monde Selection Gold Award. The vine-ripened Peppercorns are carefully hand-picked and sun-dried for a bright, fruity and spicy flavor profile that's unlike anything else in the market.